Brexit - We have not been consulted! We want to vote too!
Forty-three years after their accession, the British will vote on the 23rd of June, on whether they stay in the European Union or not. Whatever the outcome of this vote, it will have a major impact on the future of more than 500 million of our fellow European citizens. If they decide to leave, the worst and the best may result for the rest of the Union. If, however, they choose to stay, there is no guarantee that this choice will be final and that "Her Majesty's subjects" will not constantly be looking for a better "deal".
Faced with a choice that affects us all, I believe that all EU citizens should vote. Their future - and that of their children - is at stake and, make no mistake, so is the future of the whole system patiently set up by our forefathers since the end of the war and which has been the source of an extraordinary prosperity.
Faced with the demands of Mr Cameron, our governments considered the risks of a Brexit worth every compromise. They thus made major concessions on February 19 that they had categorically refused just three months before. And maybe they were right to do so. But not at any price and certainly not by giving only to British citizens the right to vote on an agreement that impacts the future of all Europeans.
Our leaders have not considered it necessary to ask our opinion. I suggest you show them that there is a European participatory democracy by responding, by the 23rd of June, to these two questions:
1. Do you think the UK should remain in the EU? *
2. If you have voted YES, under what conditions the UK should it remain in the EU?
Aldo Sicurani
Paris, France
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